19 Jul Meet Jeremy Ford
Jeremy Ford

Third Rail Studios, Atlanta GA
Film Internship Summer 2019
I am Jeremy Timothy Ford. I am 28 years old and I am a rising senior at Georgia State University where I am studying film with a minor in African American Studies. I believe that everyone comes to a point where they wonder what they are here for. We all want to know our purpose. We scroll through our social media platforms with the hopes of seeing something positive, but the reality is that our world is getting darker by the minute. My burning desire to bring reform to our world has been a journey. I’ve learned that my stories are not just invigorating for me, but it’s true for ones whose lives mirror mine. It is my hope to one day write, produce and direct films that can change the trajectory of our country.
As a kid, I spent most of my time being saturated into the arts. I’ve always known that the arts were my safe haven. Expressing myself through acting or singing has always brought me so much peace. It wasn’t until the death of my father in 2009 that writing became an infatuation of mine. Words became something that I could trust. When I couldn’t find the courage to speak my truths, my hands soothed my heart by taking those thoughts and writing them in my journals. Writing became my therapist and my best friend. I finally found something that I could trust with my humanity.
I’ve had my share of failures. By society standards, I’m supposed to be in my career by now. I’m supposed to be married and starting a family. I’m at the end of my 20’s and for a long time, I’ve struggled with what society says is right. Seven years ago, I dropped out of college on a whim and moved to Atlanta with no money and no job. What society said was my most foolish move, I look at it as one of the best things I’ve ever done. I found my niche here. I realized that many people shared my story and were stuck in a cycle of pain. I relived my pain so that others could see how I found freedom. Since then, I’ve dedicated my life to serving people by creating films what can reshape the attitudes and behaviors of society.
We’ve all been commissioned to not only live but to create avenues and pathways for the next generation so that they may not stumble on the same deterrents that have held us back. In whatever field that we decide to partake in, advocacy must be at the forefront of our minds. I am thrilled to be an intern with Third Rail Studios this semester and live out my dream of advocating through film.