14 Oct Meet Greyson Wyatt
Fall Intern 2019

Dickinson College 19′
I’m Greyson Wyatt, a 22-year-old born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. I graduated from Dickinson College in May, where I embodied “liberal arts” (I was all over the place!). My original major of interest was history, which was slowly eclipsed by computer science, until CS was eclipsed by English. Thinking I’d finally settled on a major, I took a cross-listed course my sophomore year called “The Horror Film.” Now up to that point, all my life I’d been a big fraidy cat. I was interested in watching some of the horror films that I liked to consider thrillers (Silence of the Lambs etc) but dreaded the barrage of slasher films heading my way that I’d been avoiding all my life. I quickly discovered that there was more to these films than my preconceived notions allowed. I decided to minor in film and media studies and focused as much of my English major on film as I could, thirsty to explore the nuances of a medium that I thought I understood. In my senior year my academic interests in film reached a culmination in my thesis: Open Bodies, Open Minds: The Framing of the Ruined Body in the American Horror Film.
After graduating, I tentatively considered shifting from writing about film to involving myself in the process of making film. Over the summer I worked as a production assistant on various amateur projects and volunteered for organizations like the Atlanta Film Festival and Dad’s Garage. I am now more than excited to continue my growth in the industry during an internship at Third Rail Studios. I am most looking forward to working on a project that I will have creative input on. I am also looking forward to getting to see how a studio is run. I’ve been in Third Rail’s sound stages as an extra, so I’m very excited to see what goes on behind the scenes behind the scenes!
From the perspective of a production assistant, all departments are enticing to me as far as next steps. I was able to work as a pseudo script supervisor on a production recently, which I really enjoyed. I love concerning myself with details and getting to know scripts like the back of my hand, so learning to work in the continuity department is where I’ve set my career goals for now. Overall, however, my imminent career goal is to experience as much as possible to see what fits and where my skillset can be best applied.
Alongside my studies and work in production, I am also a creative writer, fortunate enough to have my first story published in issue 76 of Andromeda Spaceways Magazine. My stories are likely to be horror/sci-fi or transpire in a Cohen Brothers-ish world (or so I like to think). Recently I have been working on shifting my prose into screenwriting. Do I plan on being the next Charlie Kaufman? Probably not, but I am very excited to see where my interests and work take me next.