14 Oct Meet Christopher Carvajal
Fall Intern 2019

University of Central Florida 19′
My name is Christopher Carvajal and I’m from Pembroke Pines, Florida. I am a 21-year-old recent graduate of the University of Central Florida where I received my degree from the Film Studies program with a minor in Communications this past May.
My favorite movie franchise is “Back to The Future” because of its exceptional writing, acting, production design, and music. To me, every part of that trilogy is perfect, and Robert Zemeckis had set the bar for storytelling. It’s the reason that I love movies as much as I do, and it’s the reason that I joined the Drama Club in high school. I had to do anything that could make me feel the way that I felt when I watched movies. After my first theatrical production, the musical Jekyll and Hyde, I was hooked. I couldn’t get enough time in the auditorium playing with the lights; or in the shop, using the tools correctly and definitely not playing with them.
Throughout the years since, I have found opportunities to act, write, direct, sing, build, and produce. I eventually became the Tech President of my theatre troupe, which gave me the confidence to pursue a Bachelor of Arts at the University of Central Florida. I loved my time at UCF. So much in fact, that I couldn’t wait to get out of there and use the things I learned. I took summer classes every year and did everything I could to graduate a year early and get started on my career in the film industry which I had yet to really make a plan for. But here I am, ready to learn as much as possible through Third Rail Studios. There’s not much of a film industry in Florida, so I hope to gain the experience and connections I need to navigate through the industry during my time here. One day, hopefully after a very successful career, I plan to start my own production studio because I don’t want to just make movies; I want to have an impact on the way that they’re made. Until then, you can find me here at Third Rail Studios.